Board Spotlight: Michael Barnett

Michael Barnett is the co-founder and CEO of Romp n' Roll, an international franchisor of children's play and learning centers. Discover how his entrepreneurial spirit complements a nonprofit like Connor's Heroes. 

Q: What are you most passionate about when you think about Connor’s Heroes work, mission and impact?
A: I'm proud of the money we raise for research, but I love the work we do day in and day out on the local level. We support kids and families and hopefully make life just a little bit easier during a challenging time.

Q: What is your favorite experience so far with Connor’s Heroes?
A: This year was the fifth Heroes Art Ball I attended. I've loved all of them. To me, the Heroes Art Ball brings together what Connor's Heroes is all about.

Q: Why do you believe it is important to give back to your community?
A: Aside from an obvious answer like “it feels good,” I believe what John F. Kennedy said, “To those whom much is given, much is expected.” Specifically giving back to a local organization means you are not only helping friends and neighbors, but you can see first-hand the impact of your contribution.

Q: Why should others support Connor’s Heroes?
A: You should support Connor's Heroes because we make a difference in the lives of children and their families right here in Central Virginia at a time when they need us most.

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