We’re All Looking for Hope, Guidance, and Support
You are getting a lot of information about the coronavirus from businesses, government, friends, and nonprofits. As the world looks for hope, guidance, and support, our childhood cancer families don’t have to look far. Hope, guidance, and support are the key words in the mission of Connor’s Heroes. While hospital restrictions mean our program team can not be in the hospital or clinic right now, they are in regular contact with our families who have a child in treatment. Last week, we mailed off $6,200 worth of grocery gift cards to help these families. The iPad Mini we put in every Heroes Bag and Backpack is a lifeline for our young heroes. They video chat with their friends and family — sharing laughs and blowing kisses.
What we are hearing from our families is that cancer hasn’t stopped during this time. Our families are pros at keeping a home germ-free and practicing social distancing. The life we are experiencing now is routine for a family who currently has a child in treatment for cancer.
You can continue to support the childhood cancer community that you care about so much. Our biggest need is gift cards. We compiled a list on Amazon. You can order from home and ship them to our office. No surprise, Netflix, Amazon, and iTunes are popular with families right now. You can treat a family with a gift card for Panera located at the main hospital. When you order, include your name and email in your gift message, so we can thank you.
To all of our brave childhood cancer families, generous donors, caring volunteers, and dear members of our community, thank you.
— updated 25 March 2020
Helpful Links and Emails
Contact Connor’s Heroes: Staff Directory website
Connor’s Heroes staff is equipped to work remotely and is doing so for the time being. Email is the best way to reach the staff. If you do call our office line, (804) 897-1272, and leave a voicemail message, a staff member will check the voicemail once a week. You can mail correspondence to Connor’s Heroes Foundation, PO Box 2536, Midlothian, VA 23113. A staff member will check the mail once a week.
Children’s Hospital of Richmond: website for COVID-19
VCU Health: website for COVID-19
The VCU Health and Children’s Hospital of Richmond COVID-19 hotline: 804-628-7425
Virginia Department of Health: website for COVID-19
Donate to Connor’s Heroes: Give online with a single gift or set up monthly giving
You can mail a donation to Connor’s Heroes Foundation, PO Box 2536, Midlothian, VA 23113.
A staff member will send you a tax letter for your generous donation.
Stay Connected:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/connorsheroesfoundation/
Twitter: twitter.com/connorsheroes
Instagram: www.instagram.com/connorsheroes
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/organization/10421708
Email Updates: Heroes And Hope Signup