
Vincent E1303408524495 150x150 

Vincent is 12 years old. He loves Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Legos, video games, and drawing his own Anime comics. People say that he has a very sunny personality, and even having Metastatic Malignant Thyroid/Soft Tissue Endocrine Cancer, has not dimmed his love of life! He has been battling cancer since November 2008. He has to travel to Texas about every 3-4 months for treatments, radiation and surgery because his form of cancer is so rare in children. He will likely have two more years of active treatment before being declared in remission. Vincent always tell his friends (and anyone else who asks) that he may have cancer but cancer does not have him!! Once he wins his battle with cancer (which we know he will do), he wants to be able to help other kids and maybe even adults make it through just like he did.