Today’s Helping Hero is a fellow nonprofit! We want to give a big shout out to Cape Ivy. They shipped us a box full of fun fleece poncho capes. Not just any capes but capes made to keep a child warm in the cold hospital. Capes that won’t tangle in IVs or block a child’s port.

Word on the street… well, the hallway on the hospital’s 12th floor … they are a big hit with our childhood cancer heroes. Aschemund rocked his Spider Man cape for this 8th birthday party in The Connor’s Heroes Consult Room. Willow’s mom sent us this pic of Willow snuggled up in her cape. Thanks Cape Ivy for spreading hugs to childhood cancer heroes in Richmond, Virginia!

If you want to learn more about Cape Ivy, check out their website:

Willow is in her hospital room with an IV pole