Don’t be surprised if you hear Harcum’s mom call him by his nickname: “Turtle.” The nickname certainly fits! A turtle represents perseverance, strength, and not giving up.

Just like Harcum.

For his treatments, Harcum came to clinic… a lot! Each visit was a three-hour round trip from his home to the hospital. Amidst the long commutes, sudden hospital stays, and hours in clinic, Harcum showed fortitude similar to a turtle’s steady pace. With his treatment behind him, Harcum is in the maintenance stage. His trips to clinic are less frequent, leaving him more time to play with his brothers.

Harcum can move forward with the same determination that defines his nickname, Turtle.

“When Harcum was in the hospital, we used the gift cards from Connor’s Heroes to buy anything we needed.” — HARCUM’S FAMILY

Harcum • 5 years old
Diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on February 19, 2023

Harcum Art Session
a little boy stands next to Santa

Harcum sitting on a blue couch