Once A Hero, Always A Hero

In 2020, when Connor’s Heroes postponed the Heroes Art Ball, several childhood cancer heroes missed out being honored that year. At this year’s Heroes Art Ball, they will have their moment on the stage! We are pleased to have as our special, special guests: Alvion, Charlotte, Holden, Javi, and June. They represent the hundreds of children who marched through their cancer journeys during the pandemic.

Guiding Other Hero Families

Over the past four years, Alvion, Charlotte, Holden, Javi, and June finished their cancer treatments. Thankfully, for us, they continue to be a part of the Connor’s Heroes community. They come to the Heroes Art Sessions — working side by side with children currently in treatment. Their parents take the time to talk with other parents. They come to our family fun events.

Alvion, Charlotte, Holden, Javi, and June embody Connor’s Heroes belief that our support doesn’t end when treatment ends. At Connor’s Heroes, we believe that once you’re a hero — you’re always a hero!